Stir-fried squid with salted eggs

An original dish that is not often found on restaurant menus. So here's a stir-fried squid with salted eggs recipe, delicious served with rice.

What are salted eggs?

Les Salted eggskhaï kemare commonly eaten throughout Thailand (and in most Asian countries). These are duck eggs that are macerated, whole and raw, in highly salted water for 4-8 weeks. The salt in the solution ‘candies’ the egg. It is then eaten in rice soup, in salads or as a side dish.
For this recipe, we only use the yolk of the salted egg. It acts as a binder for the sauce.

oeufs de canard en saumure

A few tips to make this recipe:

Nan has put together a video explaining how to clean and prepare squid.

🌶️ Squids have to cook super rapidly to stay tender. Be careful not to simmer them, though. Sauté them over a high heat.
🌶️ Prepare all the ingredients for the sauce before stir-frying the squid. This way you can easily control the cooking time.
🌶️ We only use the yolks. If you prefer to use the whole egg, just cut the white into small cubes and add them to the squids.

Here's a video of the recipe:

We made this little video with Nan behind the stove. The great thing about Nan making a video is that I get to enjoy the food afterwards 😆 (video is in French, sorry)

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Stir-fried squid with salted eggs

An exquisite dish with an original sauce prepared with the yolks of salted eggs.
Servings 2 people
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes


  • 300 g of squid cleaned and cut into pieces
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 racines coriander roots (or stems without leaves)
  • 1-2 bird chillies (or more... or less... as you prefer)
  • 1 tsp palm sugar
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 spring onions cut in 3 cm pieces
  • 1/2 sweet chillies cut in thin slices

For the sauce:

  • 1 tsp de sauce d'huître
  • 1 grosse c. à soupe de confiture de piment (nam prik pao)
  • 2 tbsp de sauce soja
  • 2 jaunes d'oeufs salés
  • 50 à 70 ml d'eau


  • Mélange les ingrédients pour la sauce : écrase les jaunes, ajoute sauce d'huitre, sauce soja et confiture de piment. Mélange bien et ajoute l'eau.
  • Pile les racines de coriandre avec l'ail et les piments.
    pâte aromatique pour la recette
  • Fais chauffer l'huile dans un wok et fais-y revenir ce mélange d'ail et piment.
    pâte aromatique pour les calmars
  • Toujours à feu moyen-fort, ajoute les calmars. Dès qu'ils changent de couleur, ajoute la sauce, le sucre et la sauce de poisson.
  • Mélange bien, décore avec le piment doux et la ciboule. Sers sans attendre.
Course: fruits de mer, plat principal
Cuisine: cuisine asiatique, cuisine thaïlandaise
Keyword: calmar, nam prik pao, oeufs salés

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